For Bustamante + Freyre, one of our main goals is to escort our clients in their relationships with SEMARNAT, PROFEPA, CRE, CONAGUA and other relevant authorities.
At B + F we know how important it is to conceive and plan each project in compliance with all necessary legal and technical requirements, which is why our experts work with you throughout the entire process.
We have the experience and knowledge to carry out all the paperwork without unpleasant surprises, always reducing risks for our clients.
We know the importance of comprehensively shielding our clients’ projects and investments, which is why we carry out studies that analyze environmental, legal and social conditions.
All energy projects submitted to SEMARNAT must include a document which contains the town and settlement identification in the project’s area of influence.
Strategies for carrying out custom-designed social management programs which are generally based on IFC standards and the Equator Principles.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is an environmental policy tool whose objective is to prevent, mitigate and restore damage to the environment.
Ability and experience to carry out, when necessary, a supporting technical study according to the provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.
We carry out environmental audits on our clients, in order to know the possible risks and areas that must be strengthened to avoid fines and sanctions from PROFEPA and other authorities.
plus experts in various areas of specialization at your service.
days a year working to support our clients and the environment.
plus environmental impact and risk authorizations.
plus authorizations for change of land use in forest lands.
plus social impact assessments.
plus audits for project financing and compliance.
Gabriel Bustamante
Gerardo Freyre