Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements and environmental risk studies.
At B + F we have more than 15 years of experience in the preparation and presentation of MIAs, we know that they are the starting point of any successful project. The Environmental Impact Statement (MIA) is an instrument of environmental policy that has the objective of preventing, mitigating and restoring damage to the environment, as well as regulating works or activities to avoid or reduce their negative effects on the environment and on human health. It consists of a technical-scientific study that indicates the effects that a work or activity may have on the environment. The MIA is presented to Semarnat for evaluation and possible authorization. Once the works or activity projects are authorized, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Profepa) must verify compliance with the established terms and conditions. The Risk Study is presented together with the MIA when the activities to be carried out are considered by the LGEEPA as highly risky.
Preparation of supporting technical studies.
At B + F we seek to facilitate the development of projects with high commercial and environmental value, which is why we have a high-level multidisciplinary team which allows us to accompany our clients from start to finish. For this reason we have the capacity and experience to carry out, if necessary, a technical justification study (ETJ) according to what is established by the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) when it is desired to make a change in land use from forestry to a different one, for example, agricultural.
Environmental audits and expertise.
Prevention is our best ally, which is why at B + F we carry out environmental audits on our clients, in order to know the possible risks and areas that must be strengthened to avoid fines and sanctions from PROFEPA and other authorities. We like to be prepared and avoid any risk and contingency that could generate losses and hurt the prestige of our clients.