November 27th: National Conservation Day
By: Juan Carlos Campos Becerril
On November 27th, National Conservation Day is celebrated in Mexico. Since 1917 and in order to commemorate the creation of the First National Park: El Desierto de los Leones, and with the objective of involving the Mexican population in conservation activities, providing knowledge and building ideas to protect the environment, in addition to raising awareness about the value of biodiversity.
Mexico being a megadiverse country, conservation should be a national priority, since human activities and the pace of life have generated greater exploitation of natural resources and greater generation of waste and pollutants on the planet, it is essential to take actions to ensure the balance ecosystems and ensure the well-being of all living beings, not just humans.
Mexico has implemented various conservation strategies, from the creation of protected areas to the promotion of sustainable practices in local communities. Commitment to conservation is essential to safeguarding natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
In terms of protected natural areas, in Mexico there are 67 National Parks, made up of areas with one or more ecosystems of scenic beauty, scientific, educational, recreational, and historical value due to the existence of flora and fauna.
Our National Parks enjoy the highest protection since only activities related to the preservation of ecosystems and their elements, as well as ecological research, recreation, tourism and education, are permitted in them.
Among the best-known National Parks are: Bahía de Loreto, Tepozteco, Huatulco, Isla Contoy, Iztaccíhuatl-Popocatépetl, Lagunas de Montebello, Palenque, Tulum and Cumbres de Monterrey.
Furthermore, in Mexico there are at least 5 natural monuments, 8 natural resource protection areas, 40 flora and fauna protection areas, 44 biosphere reserves and 18 sanctuaries. All of them with the objective of conserving unique or singular characteristics of nature or specific resources such as flora, fauna or bodies of water.
These areas play a crucial role in conserving biodiversity, protecting vital ecosystems and promoting sustainable tourism. Each one is regulated by different regulations and specific management programs that seek to ensure its long-term preservation.
In terms of sustainable practices, various communities have adopted sustainable practices that not only protect the environment, but also promote economic and social development. Such as sustainable agriculture, sustainable forest management, responsible tourism, sustainable fishing and the implementation of renewable energies.
The preservation of Mexico’s natural and cultural wealth is a collective effort that requires the collaboration and commitment of all sectors of society, from individuals to government institutions and non-governmental organizations.
At B + F we know that it is important to take actions to preserve the ecological balance during the development of all human and commercial activities. Therefore, we accompany the projects of our clients and allies in the preparation of technical studies such as Waste Management Plans, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Risk Studies, Compliance with Environmental Measures and Conditions, Mitigation and Compensation Measures, among others.