At B+F we are convinced that companies have an important
role in the transformation of the planet, and for this reason, we decided to adhere to the
United Nations Global Compact,
in order to promote and further its principles and to achieve
the Sustainable Development goals for 2030.
What is the United Nations
Global Compact?
It is the UN initiative that leads corporate sustainability in the world.
It is, in short, a call to organizations to align their strategies with the 10 Universal Principles established by the UN. Doing this means that the company/organization works responsibly, since these 10 principles are related to human rights, the environment, labor, and the fight against corruption.
Through this pact, private sector companies have the possibility of aligning their business practices under objectives that seek equity and sustainability.
Also, by this being an UN sustainability initiative, the organization holds the United Nations mandate of acting as a catalyst in the efforts of companies and organizations in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which we have spoken before. This means that they promote the SDGs in the private business sector.
At B+F we are convinced that companies have an important role in the transformation of the planet, and for this reason, we decided to adhere to the
United Nations Global Compact,
in order to promote and further its principles and to achieve the Sustainable Development goals for 2030.
What is the United Nations
Global Compact?
It is the UN initiative that leads corporate sustainability in the world.
It is, in short, a call to organizations to align their strategies with the 10 Universal Principles established by the UN. Doing this means that the company/organization works responsibly, since these 10 principles are related to human rights, the environment, labor, and the fight against corruption.
Through this pact, private sector companies have the possibility of aligning their business practices under objectives that seek equity and sustainability.
Also, by this being an UN sustainability initiative, the organization holds the United Nations mandate of acting as a catalyst in the efforts of companies and organizations in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of which we have spoken before. This means that they promote the SDGs in the private business sector.
Proudly adhering to the WEPs: a joint initiative
of UN Women and the Global Compact.
At B + F, we recognize that this brings about both great benefits and responsibilities.
We work every day to promote gender equality
and to empower women in the workplace!
Proudly adhering to the WEPs: a joint initiative
of UN Women and the Global Compact.
At B + F, we recognize that this brings about both great benefits and responsibilities.
We work every day to promote gender equality
and to empower women in the workplace!
We subscribe to the Ruggie principles in their three main foundations: the State’s duty to protect from and to warn citizens about human rights abuses, the responsibility of companies to respect human rights, and the need to help victims to get the restitution.
Based on these three pillars, at B + F we portray and put into practice a respect for human rights through these actions:
We subscribe to the Ruggie principles in their three main foundations: the State’s duty to protect from and to warn citizens about human rights abuses, the responsibility of companies to respect human rights, and the need to help victims to get the restitution.
Based on these three pillars, at B + F we portray and put into practice a respect for human rights through these actions:
At B + F and without prejudice to any other obligation that we have assumed, we are committed to NOT tolerate child labor in any of its forms and especially in those modalities which put the well-being and development of children and adolescents at risk. In this sense, we are obligated to comply with and respect the provisions of the norms related to child labor, which include but are not limited to the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the Federal Labor Law, the General Law on the Rights of Girls, Children and Adolescents.
At B + F and without prejudice to any other obligation that we have assumed, we are committed to NOT tolerate child labor in any of its forms and especially in those modalities which put the well-being and development of children and adolescents at risk. In this sense, we are obligated to comply with and respect the provisions of the norms related to child labor, which include but are not limited to the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the Federal Labor Law, the General Law on the Rights of Girls, Children and Adolescents.
For Bustamante + Freyre, one of our main goals is to escort our clients in their relationships with SEMARNAT, PROFEPA, CRE, CONAGUA and other relevant authorities.
At B+F we know how important it is to conceive and plan each project in compliance with all necessary legal and technical requirements, which is why our experts work with you throughout the entire process.
We have the experience and knowledge to carry out all the paperwork without unpleasant surprises, always reducing risks for our clients.
We know the importance of comprehensively shielding our clients’ projects and investments, which is why we carry out studies that analyze environmental, legal and social conditions.
All energy projects brought to SEMARNAT must include a document which contains the town and settlement identification in the project’s area of influence.
Strategies for carrying out custom-designed social management programs which are generally based on IFC standards and the Equator Principles.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is an environmental policy tool whose objective is to prevent, mitigate and restore damage to the environment.
Ability and experience to carry out, when necessary, a supporting technical study according to the provisions of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.
We perform environmental audits for our clients, in order to identify possible risks and areas which must be reinforced for the purpose of avoiding fines and sanctions by PROFEPA and other authorities.
plus experts in various areas of specialization at your service.
days a year working to support our clients and the environment.
plus environmental impact and risk authorizations.
plus authorizations for change of land use in forest lands.
plus social impact assessments.
plus audits for project financing and compliance.
Gabriel Bustamante
Gerardo Freyre