March 3rd: World Wildlife Day
A great diversity of plants, animals, fungi and other organisms found in natural environments and that have not been domesticated make up what we call wildlife. These species are distributed in a wide variety of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, most of which are constantly threatened by activities of anthropogenic origin, despite the fact that wildlife plays an extremely important role in ecological balance, as well as in the provision of ecosystem services from which we benefit.
The threats faced by wild species include everything from illegal hunting to loss or modification of their habitats due to fragmentation, pollution, climate change, introduction of exotic species, among other disturbance factors; situation that has brought consequences such as the displacement of fauna, modification of plant structure, diseases, death of specimens and extinction of species.
Given this scenario, strategies and regulatory instruments have been implemented for the protection of wildlife, especially those vulnerable ecosystems or species whose populations have been significantly reduced. In the regulatory framework, at the international level, instruments such as the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) stand out. While, in Mexico we have instruments such as the General Wildlife Law and NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, to mention a few.
Strategies have been implemented such as the creation or delimitation of Key Areas for biodiversity, Protected Natural Areas, Priority Sites or Regions for the Conservation of Biodiversity, Biological Corridors, among others, several of which protect areas considered to have high biodiversity.
Therefore, it is necessary that Projects that entail environmental risks and impacts are analyzed based on instruments such as those mentioned here, with the objective of determining their best location and the proposal of measures that minimize the effects they will have on ecosystems and wildlife. In this context, B + F has personnel specialized in this topic and the necessary experience to support our clients’ Projects.